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Shape: Guava
Capacity: 130 ml
Seal: MengChen poetry
Spout filter: single hole
Clay: ZhuNi
Here’s a fully made Xian piao/Guava shaped Zhuni MengChen poetry series pot from the 90s. It is marked 以知汲古功, 孟臣. Drawing knowledge through ancient deeds. An apt message on this lovely tribute pot to 1700s potter Hui MengChen. The skin you will notice has a beautiful oily texture with wrinkles known as Zhou Pi Zhu Ni. The spout and handle are nicely balanced on this pot. Additionally, the contrast of the base to tip of the spout is very pleasing.

48 Yixing Mengchen series

SKU: 48 Yixing Mengchen series
Excluding JCT


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